Be yourself and the world is beautiful!
Powerful and intense times right now.
New beginnings & letting go of the old.
First I wanted to share some words by Hermann Hesse with you:
"The world is not here to be improved. You are not here to be improved either. But you are here to be yourself. You are here so the world may be enriched by this sound, this note, this nuance. Be yourself, and the world is rich and beautiful. Don't be yourself, be a liar and a coward, and the world is poor and seems to you in need of improvement.
The real personalities have it harder on earth, but also better, they don’t enjoy the protection of the herd, but the joys of their own imagination, and if they survive their youth, they have to bear a great deal of responsibility.
Each one of us must seek clarity about ourselves, about our gifts, possibilities and idiosyncrasies, and devote our lives to perfection and self-realization. If we do that, we also serve humanity at the same time, because all values of culture (religion, art, poetry, philosophy etc.) arise in this way. Like this, the often slandered “individualism” becomes service to the community and loses the odium of egoism."
These are excerpts from a longer text called "Eigensinn macht Spaß" which I'm currently reading. It speaks to me on so many levels and I'm just astonished that it was written almost 100 years ago.
Always be yourself!
“You are here so the world may be enriched by this sound, this note, this nuance. Be yourself, and the world is rich and beautiful.”
For me, this eclipse season is especially powerful because it's falling exactly on my sun + ascendant sign and almost on my birthday too. Feels like a huge circle has come to an end. All the healing over the last decade is showing its results.
Already starting to feel huge shifts & new beginnings!
Also letting go of the old.. f.ex. I realized how much growing up with christian church has left its mark and there is still conditioning left. Like always being "spiritually correct". Being nice, modest, good and not superficial at all cost! Basically suppressing everything that is life affirming & joy bringing.
So this is going to change big time.. spirituality doesn't have to look a certain way and it's different for everybody. Our essence is what counts.
And I've seen time and time again that being a so called "Gutmensch" often does more harm than good! We can see that in religions, but also in our society.
So speaking of joy, I recently celebrated hitting 1k subscribers on Youtube!
I've also been on my first roadtrips in Italy, South Tyrol and filmed a new video there. Lots of joyful new impressions, people and inspirations. I'm excited to see where this new chapter of life is leading ❧
How are you feeling?
How are you experiencing the current energies?